Selected Publications
This page shows selected publications from the last years. For a detailed list please refer to the Google Scholar or DBLP page of Stefan Schneegass.

Type of Publication: Article in Collected Edition
BrainShare: A Glimpse of Social Interaction for Locked-in Syndrome Patients
- Author(s):
- Faltaous, Sarah; Haas, Gabriel; Barrios, Liliana; Seiderer, Andreas; Rauh, Sebastian Felix; Chae, Han Joo; Schneegass, Stefan; Alt, Florian
- Title of Anthology:
- CHI EA '19: Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
- Publisher:
- Location(s):
- New York, NY, USA
- Publication Date:
- 2019
- Fulltext:
- BrainShare: A Glimpse of Social Interaction for Locked-in Syndrome Patients (3.09 MB)
- Citation:
- Download BibTeX