

The Human-Computer Interaction group offers various theses (e.g. Bachelor's or Master's theses) and projects (e.g. Bachelor's projects). All topics include the conceptual development, implementation and evaluation of a human-computer interaction problem and are presented in the HCI colloquium. If you would like to start a project or thesis with us, please contact Marvin Strauß and state the topics you are interested in, the type of work and give a brief overview of previous projects and experiences.

Jonathan Liebers: Novel Authentication and Identification Schemes using Machine Learning & Deep Learning, Biometric Authentication in Virtual and Mixed Reality, Wearable and Embedded Tools for User Identification.

Alia Saad: Usable Security and Privacy, Behavioral Biometrics in Mixed Reality and on Mobile Devices, Spoofing Authentication.

Jonas Keppel: Interactive Health Applications, Activity Motivating Application, Explainable AI, Exergames, Indoor Cycling Gamification.

Max Pascher: Human-Robot Collaboration, Intervention Strategies/ Interfaces, Multimodal Input & Feedback Technologies, Augemented/Mixed/Virtual Reality, Assistive Technologies.

Carina Liebers: Control and Agency in Human-AI Interaction, Machine Learning & Deep Learning in Generative AI, often with Virtual Reality/ AR.

Nick Wittig: Augmented Reality Technologies, Interaction with Augmented Reality, Learning and Education.

Marvin Strauß: Designing and Evaluating Scalable Privacy Awareness and Control User Interfaces for Mixed Reality, Development of mechanisms to protect users' and bystanders' privacy.

Niklas Pfützenreuter: Enhancing user control for Generative AI, Explicit and implicit interaction with Generative AI.

Roman Heger: Hardware prototyping and haptic feedback with focus on pneumatics.

Please click on the symbols at the entries of the theses to get further information: 

  • MoodAI: Investigating Control of Image Generation Using Moodboards (Original Title: MoodAI: Einfluss der Bildgenerierung mittles Moodboards auf die Nutzerkontrolle) Details

    This bachelorproject/ masterthesis investigates using Moodboards to guide image generation, focussing on user control and agency compared to traditional text inputs. The research involves integrating a Moodboards characteristics, such as style, color, and content and the Moodboard itself into image generation algorithms like Stable Diffusion. The effectiveness of the approach will be assessed through a user study.

    The work is available as either a bachelor's project followed by a thesis or as a master's thesis. Please include a short motivation, machine learning experience, and a transcript of records in your mail if interested.

    Keywords: Image Generation, Control and Agency in AI, User Interaction

    Technologies: Python, Stable Diffusion (or similar network)

    In dieser Bachelor-/Masterarbeit wird die Verwendung von Moodboards zur Steuerung der Bilderzeugung untersucht, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Kontrolle und der Einflussnahme des Benutzers im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Texteingaben liegt. Die Forschung umfasst die Integration der Charakteristika eines Moodboards, wie Stil, Farbe und Inhalt, und des Moodboards selbst in Algorithmen zur Bilderzeugung wie Stable Diffusion. Die Wirksamkeit des Ansatzes wird durch eine Nutzerstudie bewertet.

    Die Arbeit kann entweder als Bachelorprojekt mit anschließender Thesis oder als Masterarbeit angefertigt werden. Bitte fügen Sie bei Interesse eine kurze Motivation, Erfahrung mit maschinellem Lernen und ihr Transcript of Records in Ihrer Mail bei.

    Stichworte: Bilderzeugung, Kontrolle und Agency in AI, Benutzerinteraktion

    Technologien: Python, Stabile Diffusion (oder ähnliches Netzwerk)

    Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)

    Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis, Computer Science, Tutor: Carina Liebers, M.Sc.