Selected Publications
This page shows selected publications from the last years. For a detailed list please refer to the Google Scholar or DBLP page of Stefan Schneegass.

Type of Publication: Article in Journal
IoT 2016
- Author(s):
- Michahelles, Florian; Ilic, Alexander; Kunze, Kai; Kritzler, Mareike; Schneegass, Stefan
- Title of Journal:
- IEEE Pervasive Computing
- Volume (Publication Date):
- 16 (2017)
- Number of Issue:
- 2
- pages:
- 87-89
- 1536-1268
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
- doi:10.1109/MPRV.2017.25
- Fulltext:
- <a href="/fileadmin/migratedchairt3assets/file/IoT_16.pdf" class="pdf">IoT 2016 (396 KB)</a>
- Citation:
- Download BibTeX
The 6th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2016) showed clear departure from the research on data acquisition and sensor management presented at previous series of this conference. Learn about this year's move toward more commercially applicable implementations and cross-domain applications.