Selected Publications
This page shows selected publications from the last years. For a detailed list please refer to the Google Scholar or DBLP page of Stefan Schneegass.
Type of Publication: Working paper
Reflecting on Approaches to Monitor User's Dietary Intake
- Author(s):
- Keppel, Jonas; Gruenefeld, Uwe; Strauss, Marvin; Gonzalez, Luis Ignacio Lopera; Amft, Oliver; Schneegass, Stefan
- Location(s):
- MobileHCI 2022, Vancouver, Canada
- Publication Date:
- 2022
- Language:
- English
- Keywords:
- eHealth; behavior change; nutritional intake; dietary behavior
- Fulltext:
- <a href="/fileadmin/fileupload/I-HCI/MobileHCI22_Utilizing_Interactive_Technologies_to_Encourage_Healthy_Dietary_Behavior.pdf" class="pdf">Reflecting on Approaches to Monitor User's Dietary Intake</a>
- Link to complete version:
- Citation:
- Download BibTeX
Monitoring dietary intake is essential to providing user feedback and achieving a healthier lifestyle. In the past, different approaches for monitoring dietary behavior have been proposed. In this position paper, we first present an overview of the state-of-the-art techniques grouped by image- and sensor-based approaches. After that, we introduce a case study in which we present a Wizard-of-Oz approach as an alternative and non-automatic monitoring method.