Selected Publications
This page shows selected publications from the last years. For a detailed list please refer to the Google Scholar or DBLP page of Stefan Schneegass.
Type of Publication: Article in Journal
Understanding Shoulder Surfer Behavior and Attack Patterns Using Virtual Reality
- Author(s):
- Abdrabou, Yasmeen; Rivu, Sheikh Radiah; Ammar, Tarek; Liebers, Jonathan; Saad, Alia; Liebers, Carina; Gruenefeld, Uwe; Knierim, Pascal; Khamis, Mohamed; Makela, Ville; Schneegass, Stefan
- Title of Journal:
- Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
- Volume (Publication Date):
- 2022 (2023)
- pages:
- 1-9
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
- doi:10.1145/3531073.3531106
- Fulltext:
- <a href="/fileadmin/fileupload/I-HCI/Paper/3531073.3531106.pdf" class="pdf">Understanding_Shoulder_Surfer_Behavior_and_Attack_Patterns_Using_Virtual_Reality.pdf</a>
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