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Art der Publikation: Beitrag in Sammelwerk
A Scoping Survey on Cross-reality Systems
- Autor(en):
- Auda, Jonas; Grünefeld, Uwe; Faltaous, Sarah; Mayer, Sven; Schneegass, Stefan
- Titel des Sammelbands:
- ACM Computing Surveys
- Veröffentlichung:
- 2023
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
- doi:10.1145/3616536
- Zitation:
- Download BibTeX
Immersive technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) empower users to experience digital realities. Known as distinct technology classes, the lines between them are becoming increasingly blurry with recent technological advancements. New systems enable users to interact across technology classes or transition between them—referred to as cross-reality systems. Nevertheless, these systems are not well understood. Hence, in this article, we conducted a scoping literature review to classify and analyze cross-reality systems proposed in previous work. First, we define these systems by distinguishing three different types. Thereafter, we compile a literature corpus of 306 relevant publications, analyze the proposed systems, and present a comprehensive classification, including research topics, involved environments, and transition types. Based on the gathered literature, we extract nine guiding principles that can inform the development of cross-reality systems. We conclude with research challenges and opportunities.