CHI 2020 Workshop on Authentication Beyond Desktops and Smartphones

Workshop on Authentication Beyond Desktops and Smartphones @ CHI 2020, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, USA
Much of the research on authentication in the past decades focused on developing authentication mechanisms for desktop computers and smartphones with the goal of making them both secure and usable. At the same time, the increasing number of smart devices that are becoming part of our everyday life creates new challenges for authentication, in particular since many of those devices are not designed and developed with authentication in mind. Examples include but are not limited to wearables, AR and VR glasses, devices in smart homes, and public displays. The goal of this workshop is to develop a common understanding of challenges and opportunities smart devices and environments create for secure and usable authentication. Therefore, we will bring together researchers and practitioners from HCI, usable security, and specific application areas (e.g., smart homes, wearables) to develop a research agenda for future approaches to authentication.
Workshop Dates
Submission Deadline: February 21st EXTENDED!
Notification of Acceptance: February 28th
Workshop at CHI 2020: Saturday, April 25th
Format: Up to 4 Pages in the SIGCHI Extended Abstract format.
Please submit your position paper through the following link:
All submission will be reviewed by the workshop organizers. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop and all participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the conference. Accepted papers will be presented in the form of short talks and posters.
Submissions should contain all author information.
For further questions please contact Stefan.
Topics of Interest
In this workshop we will solicit submissions that cover a broad range of topics related to the overall theme. In particular, we are interested in work that addresses one of the following topics:
- Novel authentication concepts for smart environments
- User requirements for authentication systems
- Physiological and behavioral biometrics
- Authentication in specific application areas (e.g., smart home, smart public spaces)
- Novel threat models
- Users' experience of authentication systems
- Privacy in smart environments
- Challenges of implicit authentication systems
- Novel methodologies for evaluating authentication systems
- Evaluation of authentication systems in the large
- Ethical and societal implications of novel authentication systems
Stefan Schneegass, University of Duisburg-Essen
Stefan Schneegass is professor of human-computer interaction at the University of Duisburg-Essen. He is interested in researching the crossroad of human-computer interaction and ubiquitous computing. Thereby, one core focus of his current research is the development of implicit authentication mechanisms. He organized several workshops at conferences such as CHI and Ubicomp.
Florian Alt, Bundeswehr University Munich
Florian Alt is a professor of Usable Security and Privacy at the Research Institute CODE of the Bundeswehr University in Munich. In his research, Florian looks at the role of humans in security critical systems, focusing on topics related to behavioral biometrics, physiological security, social engineering and usable security in novel application areas, such as smart homes and VR. He has organized workshops on various topics at the intersection of HCI and Ubicomp. He is the workshop chair of ACM ETRA 2020.
Angela Sasse, Ruhr University Bochum
Angela Sasse is professor of Human-Centred Security at the Ruhr University Bochum. A usability researcher by training, she started investigating the causes and effects of usability issues with security mechanisms in 1996. In addition to studying specific mechanisms such as passwords, biometrics, and access control, her research group has developed human-centred frameworks that explain the role of security, privacy, identity and trust in human interactions with technology.
Dan Vogel, University of Waterloo
Dan Vogel is a professor at the University of Waterloo. His research focuses on human-computer interaction in combination with computer graphics and visual art in the pursuit of developing better experiences for people using computers. Dan recently focused on behavioral biometrics as an approach to better tailor security to human capabilities.