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Art der Publikation: Beitrag in Sammelwerk

EasyEG: A 3D-printable Brain-Computer Interface

Schneegaß, Stefan; Auda, Jonas; Heger, Roman; Grünefeld, Uwe; Kosch, Thomas
Titel des Sammelbands:
Proceedings of the 33rd ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST)
Minnesota, USA
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
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Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are progressively adopted by the consumer market, making them available for a variety of use-cases. However, off-the-shelf BCIs are limited in their adjustments towards individual head shapes, evaluation of scalp-electrode contact, and extension through additional sensors. This work presents EasyEG, a BCI headset that is adaptable to individual head shapes and offers adjustable electrode-scalp contact to improve measuring quality. EasyEG consists of 3D-printed and low-cost components that can be extended by additional sensing hardware, hence expanding the application domain of current BCIs. We conclude with use-cases that demonstrate the potentials of our EasyEG headset.