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Hand-in-Hand: Investigating Mechanical Tracking for User Identification in Cobot Interaction

Art der Publikation: Beitrag in Sammelwerk

Hand-in-Hand: Investigating Mechanical Tracking for User Identification in Cobot Interaction

Saad, Alia; Pascher, Max; Kassem, Khaled; Heger, Roman; Liebers, Jonathan; Schneegass, Stefan; Gruenefeld, Uwe
Titel des Sammelbands:
Proceedings of International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM)
Vienna, Austria
behavioral biometrics, cobots, human-robot interaction, human-robot collaboration
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
<a href="/fileadmin/fileupload/I-HCI/MUM2023_CR_Paper_85.pdf" class="pdf">Hand-in-Hand: Investigating Mechanical Tracking for User Identification in Cobot Interaction (2,23 MB)</a>
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Robots play a vital role in modern automation, with applications in manufacturing and healthcare. Collaborative robots integrate human and robot movements. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that interactions involve qualified, and thus identified, individuals. This study delves into a new approach: identifying individuals through robot arm movements. Different from previous methods, users guide the robot, and the robot senses the movements via joint sensors. We asked 18 participants to perform six gestures, revealing the potential use as unique behavioral traits or biometrics, achieving F1-score up to 0.87, which suggests direct robot interactions as a promising avenue for implicit and explicit user identification.