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Art der Publikation: Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Recommendations for the Development of a Robotic Drinking and Eating Aid - An Ethnographic Study
- Autor(en):
- Pascher, Max; Baumeister, Annalies; Schneegass, Stefan; Klein, Barbara; Gerken, Jens
- Herausgeber:
- Ardito, Carmelo; Lanzilotti, Rosa; Malizia, Alessio; Petrie, Helen; Piccinno, Antonio; Desolda, Giuseppe; Inkpen, Kori
- Titel des Sammelbands:
- Human-Computer Interaction -- INTERACT 2021
- Seiten:
- 331-351
- Verlag:
- Springer International Publishing
- Ort(e):
- Cham
- Veröffentlichung:
- 2021
- 978-3-030-85623-6
- Zitation:
- Download BibTeX
Being able to live independently and self-determined in one's own home is a crucial factor or human dignity and preservation of self-worth. For people with severe physical impairments who cannot use their limbs for every day tasks, living in their own home is only possible with assistance from others. The inability to move arms and hands makes it hard to take care of oneself, e.g. drinking and eating independently. In this paper, we investigate how 15 participants with disabilities consume food and drinks. We report on interviews, participatory observations, and analyzed the aids they currently use. Based on our findings, we derive a set of recommendations that supports researchers and practitioners in designing future robotic drinking and eating aids for people with disabilities.