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Art der Publikation: Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Visually Connecting Historical Figures Through Event Knowledge Graphs
- Autor(en):
- Latif, Shahid; Agarwal, Shivam; Gottschalk, Simon; Chrosch, Carina; Feit, Felix; Jahn, Johannes; Braun, Tobias; Tchenko, Yanick Christian; Demidova, Elena; Beck, Fabian
- Titel des Sammelbands:
- 2021 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS) - Short Papers
- Verlag:
- Veröffentlichung:
- 2021
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
- doi:10.1109/VIS49827.2021.9623313
- Zitation:
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Knowledge graphs store information about historical figures and their relationships indirectly through shared events. We developed a visualization system, VisKonnect, for analyzing the intertwined lives of historical figures based on the events they participated in. A user’s query is parsed for identifying named entities, and related data is retrieved from an event knowledge graph. While a short textual answer to the query is generated using the GPT-3 language model, various linked visualizations provide context, display additional information related to the query, and allow exploration.